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Here we are facing the second Easter with Covid restrictions in place!

It has been a long year, a dark season for all humanity. In fact, if we were to compare the year with one of our four seasons, I would suggest we have been in a long winter!

Is there any hope? Yes. I believe there is. Remember the season that follows winter is spring. I believe humanity is on the verge of entering the new season of spring. Spring always offers us hope. At this time of year everything in the garden starts to “spring” into life, the flowers and shrubs can cheer us with their colour, as we say goodbye to winter. Birds have started to prepare their nests, new-born lambs are appearing in the fields. It’s great having more daylight hours, warmer days and hopefully some dry weather.

Easter is a time of great hope. Jesus, who was dead on the first Good Friday, came back to life on Easter Sunday. Imagine the shock that the first disciples had when He appeared to them. People never come back after they die! Jesus did; the impossible became a reality.

Here we are in spring 2021. We have a vaccine; we have a greater understanding of the virus. As long as we all work together, we will win. Jesus taught us to love another. Love is the strongest emotion in the world. Love will enable us to have the victory.

At CleerWay Community Church we haven’t met on a Sunday morning for over a year. We are preparing to open again from Sunday 18th April at 10.30 a.m. in St. Cleer Memorial Hall. Social distancing measures will be in place and we will be asking people to book their seats in advance. Personally, I am looking forward to meeting again and we will be thinking about the subject of “Revival”.

To book your seats, contact me by email: or text 07817 465554.

We will continue our online presence as I know many people who aren’t able to meet in person are grateful of this facility.

Love to you all,


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